9:45 a.m. Sundays
Life is constantly changing...but in the change, God's Word provides what we need for growth personally and spiritually. Whether you are single, beginning a new marriage, having your first child, raising children in the home, facing an empty nest, or caring for elderly parents, God gives us the ability to get to know Him better. Gathering weekly, studying the Bible and sharing with others will ensure that you get connected and grow as a Christ follower. David’s Bible Study brings people from all life stages to share together, support each other, and grow on mission for God.
We look forward to meeting you and sharing in life’s journey together. The best way to get connected is to visit a Sunday morning Sunday School class designed just for you. There are multiple classes offered for all ages and stages of life.
A Nursery is provided for babies and toddlers under three during Sunday School and the Worship Service. Children's and Youth Sunday School classes are available according to age and/or grade and staffed with caring and responsible leaders. A variety of adult classes are available, including Men's, Women's and Coed.
If you would like more detailed information about classes, please contact the church office at 704-739-4555 and we will be happy to help you find a class where you feel you can grow in a better understanding of God's Word.
6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Wednesdays
At 6:00 p.m., adults of all ages meet in the sanctuary for a time of prayer and Bible study led by our Pastor.
On the second Wednesday of each month, women also meet from 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. to learn specifically about how they can reach people for Jesus Christ through missions and to pray for missionaries around the world.
6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Sundays
Children ages 3 through Sixth Grade are encouraged to participate in our very unique Discipleship Program called Elevate DBC Kids! Beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday evenings in the Fellowship Building, children learn and memorize scriptures and learn amazing facts from the Bible through music and games. For information and photos from previous programs, click here..
Everyone can benefit from being involved in a small group community. Friendships are one of these key benefits. Christian friends can be the most valuable friends we can have in life. David helps you build Christian friendships and much more through our Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries. Each week we study the Bible with others in similar life stages to discover applicable truths for life.