Jane Galloway
Senior Adult Coordinator
JOY Senior Citizens
The name of the Senior Citizens Group is actually an anagram with the hope that as we get older we may actually get our priorities in the right order...
J = Jesus, O = Others, Y = You
The JOY Seniors are an active group, not only because they enjoy being together, but also because God has given them a love for other people as well. They are a vital and influential part of our church. They enjoy visiting others and helping where they can. It may be visiting someone who cannot come to church or helping make a quilt to raffle as a fundraiser for a needy cause. Several of our seniors volunteer through other avenues besides David Baptist Church, such as the local Hospice and area nursing homes.
They enjoy their time of fellowship with each other, often trying out a new restaurant or enjoying an old favorite together. Finding new places to visit is a lot of fun, too, as they may travel to Myrtle Beach or Mayberry, go on a train ride through the Smokies or perhaps take a mystery tour. Please check the calendar at church for scheduled activities.
First Tuesdays for Seniors at DBC
The first Tuesday of every month, Seniors get together in our church Fellowship Building for a devotion, meal and entertainment or a program of some kind.
All are welcome to join us, even if they are not in the same age group or attend our church.
The photos on the right show some of our First Tuesdays together, give examples of the programs. We have appreciated all those who have provided programs for us and look forward to seeing you again! Come join us on the next First Tuesday! You will be welcomed and glad you came!

Pastor Brian Taule
and wife Gale

Although we are now missing many beloved members from this group, below is a favorite photo of the JOY Seniors at their Christmas Party in 2015. We enjoy our time together and take advantage of every opportunity to spend time together.
Seniors' Christmas Party